Thursday, May 5, 2011

Finding ovarian cancer fast may not help survival

Once a woman begins experiencing symptoms of ovarian cancer, getting diagnosed and treated quickly may not help her survive longer, according to a new study of Australian women.

The finding is discouraging, researchers said, especially because doctors have believed that catching more cases of ovarian cancer early may help extend how long women live after diagnosis.

Ovarian cancer kills the majority of women with the disease within 5 years.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Hollywood Actors and Actresses Suffering Hair Loss

Hollywood is notorious for its eminent standards for good looks and effective wellness. With the Academy Awards happening this February, actors and actresses are looking for ways to fill their herd of admirers. From decorator gowns and glinting jewels to gamy heeled stilettos and gorgeous pilus styles, celebrities are in competitor for the hottest expression and the striking poses.

Good looks are significant in the man of entertainment, notwithstanding scarce similar the residual of us, celebrities have fuzz exit. Celebrity tomentum passing is becoming an progressively hot matter in the media. Fans and paparazzi likewise survey their favorite and about talked about stars and livelihood up with the tabloids and latest gabfest on them.